In Eternia world, there's 4 official kingdom...
Gaia, Kingdom of freedom and justice...
Shivos, Kingdom of magic and sciences...
Centras, Military kingdom...
Deylos, Elf's Kingdom...
Since century, peace rule in Eternia...
People forgotten "Evil Square"...
"Evil Square"... those two word were enough
To frighten the most couragous knight in old time...
It were composed of 4 powerful beeing...
"The Plague", "The Death", "The Chaos" and "The Terror"...
Their name has been banned from most book to forget how they were evil...
But I know it's a liar...
By searching everywhere, I gathered many information...
"The Plague"'s true name is Almararic...
"the Death"'s true name were Xsy...
I say "were", because Xsy is dead now...
Like "The Chaos" tell elf's library...
I know nothing about the two other...
Today, I feel peace come at its end...
Centras prepare for war, and succession of strange event occur...
I, Eriolan, human historian of Deylos, I see this...
But, oracle of the ten element are clear: Evil is comming back!
What I cannot understand, is why and how I feel distinctly 6 evil power...